Eggs are one of the basic foods people eat. But little do they know that these little food have more amazing effects to the body.

Moreover, it is known to be a super food to some and it is a perfect source of protein.

But here are 12 more amazing effects of eggs to the human body:

1. Eggs lower high blood pressure because of the peptides it contain.

2. Eggs are great source of protein.

3. Eggs contains high level of omega-3 fatty acids which is good for the heart.

4. Eggs reduce choline which leads to heart disease.

5. Eggs have sulfur which helps people to have healthy hair and nails.

6. Eggs prevent cancer, reducing tumors affecting the prostate.

7. Eggs have antioxidants which protect the eyes from UV exposure.

8. Eggs have iron which helps people to have a healthy immune system and normal red blood cell production.

9. Eggs help people to lose more weight and have more energy.

10. Eggs prevent breast canser.

11. Eggs reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

12. Eggs improve the memory function with the vitamins and nutrients it contain.

Source: YouTube

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