A part of Philippine's culture is that men should always be a gentleman, especially when encoutering women or elderly people. But in this world today, equality is being pushed through by a lot of people. This confuses some people on how to act specifically in public places.

A Facebook user named Paola Gardon posted that she was disappointed because a man did not bother to let her sit. She claims that the man was unattractive and not gentleman at the same time.

Controversial: Is it only the men's obligation to let women sit in train stations?

This viral post or photo was shared by Senyora Santibanez. She criticized the attitude of Paola, saying that she has no right to demand a seat to men. 
Controversial: Is it only the men's obligation to let women sit in train stations?

Controversial: Is it only the men's obligation to let women sit in train stations?

Controversial: Is it only the men's obligation to let women sit in train stations?

One netizen also commented that those who have a right to take a seat are those women who are pregnant or with children, elderly and disabled people.
Controversial: Is it only the men's obligation to let women sit in train stations?

What do you think about this issue?
Source: Facebook

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