More people are becoming overweight or obese due to a lot of factors like poor nutrition, lack of exercise, stress and many more. But researchers discovered that obesity is a serious health risk and top health problem.

"Fat is much more than an extra inch on our waist line, it spreads throughout the entire body," a National Geographic documentary claims.

For the first time ever, a high definition endoscope was inserted in the navel to find out what fat looks like inside the abdomen. It can be seen that the intestines are covered with fat deposits.

What's dangerous is that fat finds its way into almost every available space of our body. 

Inside blood vessels, fats build up in the inner walls, narrowing the tube. As a result, the heart works harder to pump blood through the restricted vessels. 

In extreme cases, fat can block the vessels completely and the result can be fatal. 

To learn more, watch the full video below!

Source: YouTube

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