In Hong Kong, a baby girl has something unusual inside her abdomen

Doctors thought that the masses found inside the 9-pound infant are tumors. They were shocked to find out that the baby was carrying twin fetuses.

The combined weight of the fetuses is less than an ounce which is equivalent to 8-10 weeks old. Each fetus has rib cage, spine, umbilical cord, brain, intestines and four limbs. 

This very rare condition is called as fetus-in-fetus. In every 500, 000 births, 1 person has this condition. According to a case study published in Hong Kong Medical Journal, this happens when a partially developed fetus is incorporated into a normally developing fetus inside the womb.

The baby was born in 2010 and recovered after successfully removing her twins through medical treatment and surgery.

Source: GeoBeatsNews

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