When someone bumps your car, a normal reaction is that you will be angry, right? Negative things will already come into your mind like how terrible was the damage and will the person pay for it.

But what will you do when Japanese star Maria Ozawa was the one who accidentally bumped your car? Perhaps, you would probably do the same like these men did!

It was reported that the coaster of Maria Ozawa, along with Meg Imperial, Yam Concepcion and 'Nilalang' movie producer Rex Lopez, got into trouble recently. When they hit another car, Rex Lopez immediately talked to the owner.

When the owner and other men realized that Maria Ozawa was in the scene, instead of asking for the payment to the damage done, they just asked to take pictures with Maria Ozawa.

The photo shared by Eric Borromeo shows how the men were all smiles while taking pictures with Maria Ozawa.

Source: TrendingNewsPortalWhenInManila

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