Having bad breath is a major turn off. It can be caused by the food a person eats, poor oral hygiene and other factors.

Fortunately, Dr. Liza Ong has tips on how to prevent having a bad breath.

It is known to all that there is a need to brush the teeth three times a day. After that, dental floss should be used to remove the plaques in between the teeth.

The secret to remove the foul smell behind the tongue is the tongue cleaner. An alcohol-free mouthwash also helps someone to have a fresh breath throughout the day.

It is important to visit the dentist six months to have a proper treatment of the teeth and mouth.

People are advised to avoid excessive eating of garlic, onion and chili because its odor stays in the mouth for 24 hours.

To learn more about Dr. Ong's tips, watch the video below!

Source: TrendingNewsPortalYouTube

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