Men, on the other hand, are extremely unaware of women’s monthly menstruation. That’s why it’s extremely important to educate them about this topic so that next time they can help their girlfriends, fiancés, wives, friends and all female in their life to have an easy period.

Below is the list of things you should do to lessen the sufferings of your woman during her period.
1. Do not blame anything on her period.
You may think that her crankiness, her bad mood and her drastic mood swings are all a result of her period. You may be right. But that doesn’t mean you have to say it out loud. If anything, all this will do is make your girl think that you’re blaming her genuine emotions on her periods.
2. Avoid telling her anything that might irk her.
Anything that might elicit the slightest hint of annoyance might turn into full-blown anger when she’s already battling her hormones. With that said, it’s best to keep the conversation light and soothing.
3. Be as patient as you can possibly be.
Keep in mind that the state she’s in won’t last for more than a couple of days. After that, she’ll be back to her usual self. So it may be a good idea to be extra nice, just for added measure.
4. Compliment her
Say anything that will let her feel she's beautiful and intelligent. In addition, it will allow her to feel confident and slightly smooth out mood swings.
5. Help her in the house
Spare your woman from unnecessary stress, just after washing the dishes or wash clothes. Because of this, you lighten the load of everyday worries and give her time to rest.
6. Do not ever show disgust.
If she wants to talk about it, do not make awkward faces. If you do, it only shows that you do not care about it.
7. Cook a nice meal.
It’s extremely difficult for women to cope up the blood lose during periods. So, cooking for her is really helpful during period.
8. Try to understand what a woman feels during the month.
Typically, monthly period is accompanied by abdominal pain, which in itself is not very nice. The intensity can vary from a few annoying aching to virtually paralyzing penetrating pain.
When she’s on her period, just keep in mind that this would only last for a couple of days. During those couple of days, treat her like a queen and try to do that with a smile on your face.
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