Ask a child what he wants other than toys and most likely that child will say he wants a pet.  So you go to a pet shop and bought the kid a dog.  But to your amazement the lad sobs and says he wants another animal.  So you ask, “What is it you want?.  And the child replies “A pet snake!  Not just a small tiny snake but a big one!”.

Yes, every child differs from the other.  Just like the kid you see on the video and his giant snake. You can just see the bond between the two, as the boy cuddles his long muscular friend.

Though this maybe an odd choice for a pet, what could have the boy’s parents have thought off that they granted the boy his wish?  

If you are the lad’s guardian would you do the same?

would you allow your children to have a pet like this?
Posted by Marvin Coronel on Thursday, August 20, 2015
Source: Facebook

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