Prank videos have been a constant find in the internet.  An example is this video where two guys plotted to surprise a visiting friend.

The two guys had a brilliant plan.  One will be seen in the bedroom cut in half while the other will act as the one responsible for the cutting.  And to make it more dramatic he wears a mask just like characters in horror movies that we usually see.

In the video you can see the visiting friend arrives and anxiously wants to meet his friend.  He goes inside the house straight into the bedroom and lo and behold finds his friend in parts.

In perfect timing, as he saw his buddy in halves he sees another guy – the cutter.  Immediately he throws things to elude his predator.  But the moment he ran out of stuff to throw he sees the window and decided to jump.  This is where the prank stopped.  The visiting friend lies unconscious at the ground upon his decent from the second floor.

Nothing wrong with pranks, for it surely intends to entertain to the disadvantage of the one being goofed at.  However there should be a line where you draw it quits before an accident occurs.  What do you think?

Source: ViralBrothers

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